KLL International
Gum Damar, Gum Copal, Damar Batu, Gum Benzoin and Gum Benyamin Bakhoor Javi
Gum Damar, Gum Copal, Damar Batu, Gum Benzoin and Gum Benyamin Bakhoor Javi

We collected, proceed alike selecting, grading, bagging and other process before packing and exporting to worldwide market for Indonesian Natural Gum Collected from the forest alike Gum Damar (Mestika), Gum Copal (Chundrus), Gum Damar Batu Resin, Gum Benzoin (Styrax) and Gum Benyamin Incense (Bakhoor Javi).

Gum Damar (Mestika) use as a main raw material in inks industry, paints, varnish, glue, cosmetic, incense industry and other industries as the main raw material. we sell only ABC or CD whitish quality and if some importer need low quality we are also able to supply KK quality.

Gum Copal (Chundrus) use in wood furniture industry alike for furnishing, polishing, varnishing and as special paints with a very good in smell and good in solubility. Our Gum Copal origin is Ambon and Sulawesi island of Indonesia with mixing in each shipment for the quality between PWS, WS and blackish or darker in color.

Damar Batu use in Paints, Thinner, Varnish, Glue, Compound industry and Incense industry. we have Damar Batu Bombay, Damar Batu calcutta and Damar Batu Granules/Powder form.

Gum Benzoin (Styrax) use a a main raw material in Incense industry especially for their very good natural smell.

Gum Benyamin (Bakhoor Javi) use in the room for getting the pleasant smell after burnt in a special cup. we produced based on samples quality of smell and color.